Message from the President
On behalf of the Northern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council (NNICC), welcome and thank you for visiting our website. We hope the information, resources and tools available here will be helpful to you.
NNICC is committed to providing timely and useful information and resources for our members, our industry partners and the general public and promote the principles underlying safety in the construction, occupancy and location of buildings by developing uniformity of codes, ordinances and legislation promoting a better understanding of these and maintaining the status of officials. NNICC developed this site to share ideas and provide perspectives from local, state, national and international code professionals.
If you care about the safe built environment, but you’re not an NNICC member, I invite you to join our Chapter, and participate on one of our committees. Serving on an NNICC committee will provide additional insight to our Chapter’s commitment to public safety in the built environment. Serving on a committee provides the opportunity to work with code officials and our construction industry partners to develop and implement programs that will enhance the professionalism and education of code officials, design professionals and contractors throughout the United States.
To contact us directly, please email
Thank you,
Mark Meranda, CBO and President, NNICC
To access documents and forms for the upcoming 2024 Code Amendment Process please use the following link: